
2022年11月3日—Tocaptureyourentirescreen,pressandholddownShift+Command+3.Note:Ifyou'reusingmultiplemonitors,it'lltakeandsavescreenshots ...,2023年2月27日—Pressingthe'Command','Shift'and'3'keys(allatthesametime)willcapturetheentirescreen.Youshouldseethescreenflashorchange ...,2024年2月16日—TosnapascreenshotofaspecificMacwindow,pressandholdShift+Command+4,andthenpressSpace.Thebestscreen-capturing...

5 ways to take a screenshot on a Mac computer

2022年11月3日 — To capture your entire screen, press and hold down Shift + Command + 3. Note: If you're using multiple monitors, it'll take and save screenshots ...

How to screenshot on a Mac

2023年2月27日 — Pressing the 'Command', 'Shift' and '3' keys (all at the same time) will capture the entire screen. You should see the screen flash or change ...

How to screenshot on Mac

2024年2月16日 — To snap a screenshot of a specific Mac window, press and hold Shift + Command + 4 , and then press Space . The best screen-capturing app is ...

How to take a screenshot on a Mac

How to take a screenshot on a Mac. hold down, ⌘ command, and, shift, and press, # 3, = Your Mac captures the entire screen and saves it as a file on the ...

Keyboard Shortcuts to Capture a Screen Shot with Mac OS X

To capture the entire screen, press Command-Shift-3. The screen shot will be automatically saved as a PNG file on your desktop with the filename starting with “ ...

Take screenshots or screen recordings on Mac

Take pictures or screen recordings using Screenshot. On your Mac, press Shift-Command-5 (or use Launchpad) to open Screenshot and display the tools. The ...

Taking a Screenshot on Mac

2023年5月20日 — This keyboard shortcut captures a screenshot of your entire screen. Method 2: Cmd-Shift-4. Use this keyboard combo to turn your cursor into a ...